Wednesday, December 17

Victoria's Secret Wishlist

Every girl loves a bit of shopping, I hate crowds so online shopping is absolute heaven for me.
When I'm feeling a bit down I love to cruise through TophopASOSForever 21Victoria's Secret since Portugal doesn't have any stores from these brands, well we have a VS but it's in the Lisbon airport and it's extremely small. Recently I realised I have a huge obsession with the line PINK from VS, so I decided to share with you guys my wishlist, from the most wanted the least.


PINK Tote Bag

Fashion Show Large Make Up Bag
17,43 €
Fashion Show Mini Bag

I'm waiting for the Semi-Annual sale to see if I buy any thing.
Tell me your Christmas wishlist!

Bye xxx

Love Life 

Thursday, December 11


 Christmas is a special time of the year for me, it's when I see all of my cousins that I unfortunately don''t get the chance to see every day. It's the time of the year you really appreciate family.
This might sound odd to some of you but in my family we celebrate Christmas on the eve so the most important day is the 24, that's when the whole family has dinner, stays up until midnight and then we open the presents, So it's more about being together than it is about the presents, my family believes Christmas is about the birth of Jesus than it is about Santa. It's extremely fun to stay awake and just chat with everyone and maybe watch a bit of Home Alone or a few Harry Potter movies.

  That's another thing that I associate with Christmas Home Alone, Harry Potter and The Lord Of The Rings, this is due to the fact that a tv channel here used to play the first Harry Potter film around midnight between the 24 and the 25 so I have a lot of memories of me and my cousins sitting around the tv opening and play with our new toys while watching it, the Lord Of The Rings is a bit different on the 25 they usually play one of the movies and my dad is a big fan of the saga so one Christmas I stayed up with him and we watched all 3 hours of it, so now nothing makes me feel more in Christmas spirit than watching a Lord Of The Rings movie, so I do it every year. ahah I know it's weird.

  The food!! My gramma prouds herself on having a table full of food, you never leave the table feeling hungry NEVER!! We don't have turkey, usually we have roasted lamb and roasted cod (Portuguese people do love a good bit of cod ahah), I'm super picky I don't like loads of stuff so my gramma being the lovely gramma that she is, she let's me eat steak instead. We have LOADS of sweets but most of them I'm not a fan which sucks but there is always something I like.

  Buying the presents is fun but also stressful because my aunts usually say they will buy them but then the 20th of December arrives and they didn't buy anything so on the 23th usually me and my mom are still Christmas shopping, which is horrible because a lot of people wait until the last minute to buy everything so the shops are always packed and most of the good presents are gone or they don't have the size we want so its a huge mess but we always end up pulling trough. This year I convinced my mom to start buying the Christmas presents earlier, right now on the 11th of December we are only missing one present that we are going to buy today! The best part of the presents is to see if they like it the face they make when they like it is the best present of all, usually I'm the one who pick every single present so I love to see their reactions.

  This is just a bit of what Christmas is like for me, since is just about one part of my family, my mothers side.
  What's Christmas like for you guys?

Bye xx

Love Life

Tuesday, October 7


Almost every single one of my friends go in to UNI this year. It made me feel like I was being left behind because they are all going through the same thing and I can't relate with everything that's going on in their life's. That is a totally normal feeling to have but I can to realise that you are only left behind if you want. You need to make an effort to see them and try to understand if they can hung out as much because they have a lot going on but this is a real test on your friendship because if they don't make a little effort to see you that friendship isn't going to last.

It's okay to be on a different path from everyone else, while they are all doing the same you are doing your thing and both are okay not all of us are destined for the same things that isn't bad. A lot of people didn't went to UNI and are doing really well for them selfs. Going to UNI does not guarantee you a job on what you are studying, your hard work, passion, perseverance does. If you don't have a degree it means you need to work even harder than everyone else who does but since it's your dream you don't really mind to.

I really want to become a Journalist but I didn't get it to uni so I'm doing a little course in that area just to keep me busy this year, but if next year I don't get in again I'm gonna move to London with all the money I saved this year and I will knock on every single door until I get a YES it doesn't matter to me if I have to knock on 1000 doors cause I know what I'm worth I just need a chance to show it. What better way to learn than by doing it and learning from people that know that have been doing it for years. You can know all the theoy rbut if you can't translate it action it doesn't matter.

Feeling lost is okay and totally normal you just need time to think and realise what you want to do, then plan it, stuck with it and finally work as hard as you can!

Live your life don't just let it all go, you will regret it. Do you want to look back in 15/20 year and think "I should have tried that", "I should have work harder" or do you want look back and think "I'm glad I did what everyone else considered crazy" "at least I tried".

Bye xx

Love Life

Friday, August 8

Tv Shows

Hey snowflakes,

Since Summer holidays officially started for me I have been catching up with my tv shows and started new ones.

Although I have been in love with Switched at Birth for a few years now I didn't have the time to see anything from season 3 and now I watching it as the new episodes come out. The show is getting more interesting, with characters dying, Bay switching boyfriends a few more times, Daphne becoming a bit of a rebel and even Emmett gets a bit of drama without Bay being involved.

Teen Wolf this season as be absolutely AMAZING!!! It just keeps getting better and better, with a lot of plot twists that you never seen coming!! Even though it is a supernatural, horror, teen drama it's still as it's funny moments manly because of the character Stiles, he is the human/detective of the bunch, he is clumsy and utterly funny without even realizing it most of the times. You can definitely see a huge grow on the character from the first season to the forth he becomes way more mature. If you haven't noticed he is one of my favorite, I ship Stydia all the way but I also now ship Stalia its to hard to choose!! argghhh 
Then I started watching two other MTV shows Faking it and Finding Carter, the first is super funny the second is more of a drama kind of show.

After I finished theses shows I had nothing to watch so I searched the web to find something to keep me busy. I came across Orphan Black, Hemlock Grove and American Horror Story and I fell in LOVE!!! They are all kind of "dark" shows starting from the least to the most dark!

Orphan Black is about clones and all that sci-fi jazz. You kind of love every single clone in a different way, I must admit I got to attached to them so I couldn't stop watching until it ended and when it did HOLY SHIT, all I can say is that I can't wait for the new season!!

Hemlock Grove is a bit darker with lots of blood, upirs (they are kind of vampires), werewolf's and lots of blood! It's SUPER GOOD!!! It's a bit strange at first cause you don't get what the hell is going on but when you finally get it you can't stop watching it, I promise!

Then we have American Horror Story the darkest of them all, every season you have a totally different plot but with the same cast. From all three seasons I can't really choose which is my favorite but there is a part of the Murder House about Tate that I LOVED, but I still can't say that was my favorite season yet. The other two seasons are Asylum and the Coven they are all super good.
The next season is going to be the Freak Show, I think I'm going to have a hard time watching it because of on simple thing, I'm a bit afraid of clowns and when I say a bit I mean DEAD SCARED!! I watched some of the Saw movies and the only thing that scared me was the clown the rest I loved it, all the blood and gore are my thing, so I don't know how it's gonna be but I'm super excited for it!!

This was supposed to be a short post but when I love something I can not shut up about it!! ahaha

Bye xx

Love Life

Wednesday, August 6

Hello... Again

Hey snowflakes,

I stopped blogging for a few (long) months because I had to focus on school and my exams.
I now have all the time in the world since I have absolutely nothing to do! I failed my exams and I'm not going back to school next year, so I have absolutely no idea what I'm gonna do with my life.
I'm not going to drop out of high school I'm just going to take a break from it. I know I'm 20 and I haven't finished high school but I'm gonna take advantage of this year!! I'm still gonna study for my exams, I'm going to enrol on a German school to learn German, obviously ahah and I'm gonna study history do that I pass my exams next year and go to UNI, but for the rest I have no idea what I'm going to do!
I want to get a job, it can even be a part-time one jus so that I can save a little be of it for UNI and so that I'm more independent from my parents, but it's not going to be easy!
As soon as October starts my New plan for life will began until then I have loads of free time so expect a lot of blogposts and maybe a few videos :o (not really sure about the videos since my computer broke and I have no way to edited them but I will try). 
Bye xx

Love Life


Hey snowflakes, why is it that when I go on google search “pretty” in images all I find are pictures of woman and a few man but 90% of them are of a typical beautiful woman, most of them are famous and yes indeed pretty but if you search that exact same word on tumblr you find these: 

 Obviously there were a few pictures of woman also but the main subject of the photo were of things or places but I want to put an emphasis on the word THINGS that people thought were pretty. Is society branding woman as objects, things that are just there and not as a person or a human being?
I got the idea for this text when I went on google to look for a new profile photo for a tumblr that I have, I wanted flowers or maybe a table full of make up stuff, something pretty… but what I found made me angry.
 So who is wrong google or the people who tag the photos on tumblr?
I will let you be the judge of that.

Love Life 
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